Our First iPhone App

Our foray into App development for Apple iPhone's started on 4th August 2011, the day our developer account was approved!

With no previous iPhone specific programming knowledge, I started a fast-track 'learning while producing' approach to pick up the various different technologies to use:

  • XCode 4 - This is the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) you use to write your code and design your user interfaces.
  • Objective C - This is the primary coding language used by iOS devices. You also use some C functions as well, but primarily for creation of classes, objects and sending messages (using methods) it is Objective C.
  • Various hoops and hurdles within the developer portal where you create profiles/certificates to enable you to install your applications to your testing devices and create your App Store page information and photos.

We needed an iPhone version of our popular UK Tax Calculators website. Rather than charge for this, we decided upon an advertisement supported free version - click here to see the final product!

It was possible to create an app in a relatively short time with no prior experience. For me (About 4-5 hours a day) :

  • 4 Aug - Started Development
  • 5 days of working through tutorials, Lynda iPhone Essentials Video, Watching Apple's developer conference tutorial sessions.
  • 10 Aug - Started creating the user interface graphical assets.
  • 14 Aug - Created custom classes for my own toggle buttons, scrolling (Vertical/Horizontal).
  • 16 Aug - Learning core-data and creating a singleton class to handle saving/reading data from entity table.
  • 19 Aug - Getting my head around iAds!
  • 22 Aug - Putting all the code together and tweaking my PHP Tax Calculator API a little.
  • 25 Aug - Testing.
  • 28 Aug - Figuring out how to submit an iPhone App to the App Store.
  • 29 Aug - Submitted the App!
  • I'm not going to detail the development process/create a tutorial here just yet... still working hard on the next app, but will return here at some point to create a quick fire tutorial for the entire process used to get our 'UK Tax Calculators Mobile' App created.

    In the meantime, I'll be getting my head stuck into the Cocos3D Framework for iOS. This can be used to create great 3D games!

    Category: iphone

    Tags: app ios iphone

    1 comment

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    30/04/2012 13:07:19


    This is really interesting!  I'm a wannabe iPhone developer and would love to read that tax calculator app case study.

    I'd also like to know about creating an API too, since this is something I'd love to have available for tools I develop.

    My Work!

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    NiceAreas.co.uk Website

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    Mortgage Calculator Expert iOS app logo

    Mortgage Calculator Expert iOS app

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    Mortgage Calculator Expert Android app logo

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    Amazon Alexa Skills logo

    Amazon Alexa Skills

    Multiple Alexa Skills

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    BrainPickers! Guess The ... series of games.

    SalaryBee - Salary calculations by voice.

    TheMoneyCalculator - Finance calculations by voice.

    NiceAreas - Property valuations, Area information and census information by voice.

    Who Said That? Friends Quiz.

    ..plus...more to come!

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    UKTaxCalculators.co.uk Amazon app logo

    UKTaxCalculators.co.uk Amazon app

    The UK's most comprehensive FREE tax calculator app

    The website condensed into a full featured and easy to use Amazon app!

    Check tax on any income source, compare salaries and much more!

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    UK Tax Pro iOS app logo

    UK Tax Pro iOS app

    Calculate UK Tax on any income type with single or multiple income sources.

    Get a full breakdown of your tax, print/email from within the app.

    Full compliment of professional features such as rates and allowances, news, guides and calendars.

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    UKTaxCalculators.co.uk Android app logo

    UKTaxCalculators.co.uk Android app

    The UK's most comprehensive FREE tax calculator app

    The website condensed into a full featured and easy to use Android app!

    Check tax on any income source, compare salaries and much more!

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    UKTaxCalculators.co.uk iOS app logo

    UKTaxCalculators.co.uk iOS app

    The UK's most comprehensive FREE tax calculator app

    The website condensed into a full featured and easy to use iPhone/iPad/iPod app!

    Check tax on any income source, compare salaries and much more!

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    UKTaxCalculators.co.uk Website logo

    UKTaxCalculators.co.uk Website

    The UK's most comprehensive FREE online tax calculator suite

    The Tax Calculator provides a full breakdown of tax for PAYE, CIS or Self Employed individuals providing options for Pension Calculations, Tax Codes, NIC Letters, Bonuses, Salary Sacrifice Schemes and more.

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    TheMoneyCalculator.com Website

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    Find a professional mortgage adviser or financial adviser online through our UK-wide network.

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    WhereDidMyTaxGo.co.uk Website

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    The personalised aspect of this website is a unique use of Government data.

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    TaxPenny.co.uk Website

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    World Tax Calc Android app

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    World Tax Calculator iOS app logo

    World Tax Calculator iOS app

    Compare Tax and Cost of Living of Major Economies

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    .. or read all of my blog!

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    Complete the form below and I will get back to you as soon as possible. If you would prefer to get in touch via Twitter, you can reach me there using @rayarmanappdev.